Good day to you, what is this website and webpage all about???
Its about helping you to understand what web development is and how you can become a website developer.
I will show you all the steps needed and guide you g the hand with suggestions and will be here if you need any help.
The first step is to set up your mindset to start and then actually start.
Just like learning how to ride a bike or learn how to drive, it won’t happen on the first try, but if you stay consistent, you will get it and the rest is a wonderful journey of fun.
Let me share My web development journey
As the old saying says, do something you like and you will not call it work.
That’s how I feel about learning web development and how I feel about the journey
I don’t call it work, let’s call it a hobby.
It took a long time to find this hobby as I started off with the standard programming ambition taking visual basic program class, then C++ and then Java and python.
I was so lost I remember taking the C++ class and you have to understand when taking any programming class that it’s a must that you get the foundation of the class.
Everything builds upon the topic and less and it goes on, so if you don’t get the first topic and lesson, you are definitely going to have a hard time understanding any other lesson or topic after that.
But I was stubborn from my military days and I did not quit and realized that I needed some extra help and that’s what I sought out and got,
Its 2024 and as I look back, I’m so thankful for not having that attitude of not quitting and it has helped so much with the web development journey.
I found a wonderful full stack web developer in the name of virag, she lives in Romania and she is open to teach all the people who subscribe to her channel all about web development.
It’s a blessing because it is so time son summing for them and anyone to take the time to make a video and then post them to the main platform and that is YouTube. And with anything new and she is living in Romania, the language is very difficult if you are not versed in the English language like I am. So, it’s so nice and helpful for someone to share their knowledge and understanding to other people who have the desire to learn and try to become the same.
After taking a web design at east los Angeles city college I really began taking a liking to web developments and in 2020 I took JavaScript class but because of the pandemic closing down all the schools I didn’t get to learn the full use of JavaScript. I know now that its one of the most popular programing languages being taught and I’m so thankful I took the class.
As I embarked on this journey, I have tried to get others to come with me but everyone is not as interested in learning how to create and enhance or change a webpage or website.
Just the other day I realized that I was indeed on the right track with this journey, just 8-9 years ago I paid my neighbor to make a webpage for me and he charged me $500 dollars to create it for me and I was so thankful and grateful but he didn’t give me access to make any changes to the webpage and that’s what I now realized how he make his money by not giving access to the clients and customers he created a webpage for and if they needed to make any changes just like I had to do, we all had to go back to him and pay him to make any changes or modifications that we wanted.
Now I see how he was taking advantage of us because for almost each change, he would charge me one hundred dollars and that is high way robbery if you know anything about web development.
Web development is a very good skill to have, everyone is using a webpage and website to market their good and services. It’s used by small and big companies and for just about everyone can use a webpage to share their skills to get out to the public, I call it the new telephone book that replaces the old white pages and the yellow pages.
Its really popular now with the additional of ecommerce website that can charge the customer money and take payments by credit card and debit cards and the other payment on line.